Ab Initio's new manufacturing plant nears completion
Feb 2021 | Ab Initio Pharma and MTPConnect visit the construction site of Ab Initio’s new Headquarters and GMP manufacturing facility.
The new home, located in the Professor Marie Bashir Centre on the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital grounds in Sydney, will provide purpose-built pharmaceutical formulation, manufacturing and packaging services for local innovators, start-up companies and small medium enterprises (SME).
From left: Dr Hui Xin Ong (Director, Ab Initio), Dr Dina Silva (Lead Scientist, Ab Initio), Dr Duncan Macinnis (Director Stakeholder Engagement,NSW/ACT, MTPConnect) & Prof Paul Young (CEO, Ab Initio)
Professor Paul M Young, CEO of Ab Initio Pharma stated ‘Since commencing operations in 2020, Ab Initio Pharma has strived to provide clients with unique solutions to formulation challenges. We see many clients with early stage drug development programs facing significant formulation and delivery challenges and a ‘service-gap’ in turning these into dosage forms. Ab Initio Pharma new Headquarters and GMP manufacturing facility will fills this gap by providing clients with formulation R&D services that enhance their IP position for early phase clinical trials, providing high quality finished products’.
Ab Initio Pharma’s new home will have state-of-the-art technologies for pharmaceutical product R&D, GMP manufacturing, research & development as well as in vitro testing of formulation, device and packaging. Ab Initio bring extensive pharmaceutical industry and academia experience and professionalism to every project, with a focus in solid dosage forms, topical formulations and upper and lower respiratory tract drug delivery.
Ab Initio is a spin off company supported by MTPConnect in partnership with the Sydney Local Health District, The University of Sydney and the leading industry body, ARCS Australia.
Dr Duncan Macinnis, MTPConnect Director of Stakeholder Engagement in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory said ‘the completion of these facilities will mark a milestone for SMEs in Australia, providing a ‘go to place’ for pharma and consumer healthcare. Having on shore capability will maximise success for these businesses and provide a focussed path for commercialisation in Australia’.
Ab Initio Pharma’s new Headquarters and manufacturing facility is on track for completion in Q2 2021. The company will then move in to the Camperdown site expanding its operations from its current home in Glebe.
Ab Initio Pharma’s facilities are being constructed at the Professor Marie Bashir Centre in Sydney.
Site inspection of the Ab Initio Headquarters & Manufacturing Facility | QC Labs
This venture has received funding through the MTPConnect Project Fund Program – a dollar-for-dollar matched program investing in big, bold ideas to improve the productivity, competitiveness and innovative capacity of Australia’s medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector. MTPConnect is supported by the Australian Government Industry Growth Centres Initiative – learn more at mtpconnect.org.au